Fashion Branding –

You might will have a naming idea for your startup and find the exact-match domain is gone, or if it’s available, it’s going to run you 5 figures and up. If you’re really into the name you might turn to adding a prefix to the domain… i.e. you continue to call the company ‘x’, but your domain is ‘’. Other popular prefixes are words like, my, the, web, go, super, best etc. But you’ll find that if your keyword is a popular one, you’ll often find that those, prefix added, domains are also quite expensive.
Today I’m branding a woman’s fashion/beauty startup idea with a domain of mine, What I especially like about this one is that the ‘get’ part of the name… implying action towards, works very well with ‘Girly’. You wouldn’t have to brand as ‘Girly’, and the ‘get’ part is just a way to have a cheaper url, the brand itself can be ‘Get Girly’ and hold its own.
Buy It Now priced at with a payment plan available.
An AI generated image of a beautiful woman sitting in front of a mirror getting made up for a night on the town. A logo, 'Get Girly' is superimposed over the image.