reminded me of a talk I heard some months ago wherein Naomi Klein discussed her observation that amongst the ruin and rubble of burned out houses after the 2007 San Diego Witch Fire, there could be seen single, perfectly intact homes. She later discovered that those homes had been saved by private fire crews hired by the owner’s insurance companies. The gist was that we can look forward to a two-tiered level of firefighting. If you’ve got the cash for upwards of $10k a year insurance premiums, your’s might be the only house left on the block.
I think this means that in the not too distant future, private fire crews are going to be huge.
Hopefully you’ll never need one, but if you did, do you think it possible you’d soon find yourself at
Or maybe you’ve got a couple of summers of US Forest Service firefighting under your belt and you’re ready to put your crew on the market. Need a domain name?
Perhaps you’re a just a savvy domainer with experience in the Job/Recruiting CPA affiliate marketing end of things and you know how to turn these domains into little online oil wells. I may end up developing these. But right now they’re for sale. Please contact me if you’re interested.
