I think this is a very powerful name for a band. I love the built-in merch angle.

Names & Domains For Startups
I think this is a very powerful name for a band. I love the built-in merch angle.
Domain name for sale. CatScanners.com.
Buy it now. Immediate transfer to your Godaddy account.
These things are expensive! Great deal for a vendor.
Google search: 607,000 for cat scanners, 66,500 for “cat scanners”.
Domain Names For Sale:
FireCrews.com Google: 832,000 for “fire crews”
PrivateFireCrew.com 34 for “private fire crew”
PrivateFireCrews.com 2,280 for “private fire crews”
Why generic domain names are a better way to brand your business.
Photo by Oldonliner
Price for three domains $3500.
A recent LA Times headline
Cheap sensors, micro-processors, Open software… The Robots Are Coming.
Compandroid.com Compandroids.com